This is so funny. Those liquid death cans have become super popular at concerts and music festivals -- they quench your thirst and they’re not refillable for only $10 a pop!

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Ten DOLLARS??? I’m in the wrong business.

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I'm dying here!!!! LOL! Fabulous, Marjie. I have an urge to send you an EpiPen!! :)

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I definitely need one.

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I knew a Major Alan Major. I was friends with his daughter in Africa.

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Catch-22 has a Major Major, as I recall.

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Catch 22 had just come out. He was teddibly English. I doubt that he had read it. My father, who had read it, got a kick with saying Major Major.

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I would too!

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Or maybe he has three names? Major Major Major!

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That’s great!

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Another who is late to the party...

I almost named one of my current cats Pinky Lee Lewis, after a white cat I had dreamed about, but his markings changed my mind. Having two cats named Anna and Phylaxis, though, would be classic.

Why should I pay $10 for a tiny can when I can pay $2.50 to refill our 5-gallon jug at the grocery store? Priorities!

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Pinky Lee Lewis is an excellent name!

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My tardiness in responding has nothing to do with my liking last week's post. Of course I did and it made me laugh. Again.

As ever, you put a whole new twist on things that I'd never imagined before. Now that my children are already named and have been so for thirty and more years, I've been dwelling on since I read this piece, what they should be doing that maybe are not doing. Haven't figured that one out but makes me pause. Mateo. Andres. Laura (now Katerina, which may be easier to figure out because she goes by "Kat" and has two of them).

Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

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I'm disappointed you didn't interrupt the wedding to demand immediate name changes for all.

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Marjie you are the antidote! I met a saint Bernard yesterday called Galileo. It was waiting to see the vet with a stomach ache and slobbbbering everywhere. The owner said a session at the groomer is 5 hours long.


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What a fantastic name for a St. Bernard!

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The orthodontists in the group I went to were named Flint Flint Flint and Payne. Guess which one was my doctor…?

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Oh dear... RUN!

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Yes, that is true. Actually, since his rank was Major, he was Major Major Major Major.

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Years ago we had two cats. One named Sturm and the other named Drang.

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That’s fantastic!

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