Oh my God! Your experience with our deteriorated health care system happens everywhere today.

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Poor Dan!

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You can even find a lot of humor in getting COVID. But what else can you do? At least the garden will be beautiful. Shoulda gotten those tiles :)

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I still will!!

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Oh, barf. Hope you feel better soon! Thank you for trying to maintain best practices in terms of safety protocols, even if it wasn't enough to overcome everyone else's collective negligence at this point. I hope someone brings you matzoh ball soup, on principle.

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Omg. Now in search of that perfect food!

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What an unfortunate souvenir! I hope you are feeling tighter than rain soon and able to drink copious amounts of tea!

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The tea part is well underway!

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You are always my favorite read

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Thanks, love

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Had a good laugh with your description of Portuguese tea! I managed to get my case just after visiting my mother at her long term care facility January 2022. Just ate and slept for a week, low-grade fever for the first few days, kept my smell and taste. May you be spared the Long Covid, and remember: naps are our friends. ps: Chai tea got me through. That and my cats, who pretended not to understand English and "stayed with Mommy till she got better!" 😉😸

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I’m glad it’s behind you!

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Hope you start feeling better, the antiviral made my sense of taste go metallic which is just weird and unfair considering you already don't want eat while sick.

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That’s terrible! I’m glad you recovered.

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I’m glad you made it home before the crud hit. Next time, buy tiles. Be well soon.

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Your tiles are way better than COVID

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Yup, should have got the tiles, Marjie. BTW, you also should have stuck one of your damp socks in "florid man's" mouth. Feel better!!!!!!!!

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that horrid florid man! it had to be him. But I'm so glad that you are feeling better.

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UGH except for the part about PERTURBING the virus. If I ever get it I hope I can write as well about it as you did.

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Perturbing the hell out of it!

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PERTURBS - I love it!!! And thank goodneess you are home with tea.

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Making rainbows of rain

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And lots of tea

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