Just in case you've never read this anecdote, I'm leaving this here:


You've been one of my favorite writers since I discovered deargddog a few years ago. I'm subscribed to exactly two blogs- both yours. Let me not get in between you and your feelings, especially in a world so plagued by misogyny and age-ism, but for what it's worth, from the perspective of this very picky consumer of the written word, you've got It. I'm grateful and excited every time I see you've posted something, and I thank you for doing it.

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That article is fantastic. And thank you.

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As an eyewitness to your journey, I love this phase of it so much more!

You’re finding yourself once again and in spite of all the managing of things, you have found a place and a space for your weirdly wonderful and talented voice to be heard/read!

You were born to write and tell stories, keep doing so!

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Namecheap……..you bought that domain name on Namecheap!!!!! Which means I actually looked!

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But I thought you WERE a writer, not learning or struggling or trying. Where did I think wrong? You have humour, you have your own style, you can spell, and you punctuate correctly. And you have an extensive vocabulary. I have good taste in writing, and you are a good writer. Just accept it and celebrate with some special, superlative tea.

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Wow! Best one yet Margie! You are most definitely a writer, like it or not. And I adore your humour 😁😂🤣

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One can be at sea without having to be so...Pacific.. holy hell woman that's amazing!

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I love your stories! They are a bright spot in my week. And I would sign up to help a Boomer.

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I'm telling you, there's a future in that app! Thank you!

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You know, about that tea website? Someone wrote the material on that website. Some who writes words for a living and is therefore “a writer”. Someone who writes about tea and gets paid to do that. . . .you could be a tech writer, about tea . . .buy the domain name SNARKTEA. You can thank me later.

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You brighten my week with laughter and learning every time!

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I, like so so many others, look forward to your writings and smile when I see a new one sitting in my email.....this is proof! So for what it's worth, I think you have to write - I imagine the pressure of really "trying" or "having" to do it is different, and a pressure you're putting on yourself, too. Remember, the beagle is sleeping and you can do it the way you want.....

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When I read your blog, you are right there in front of me. These ponderings, and many more, have always been woven into conversations with you. I don't think you will ever run out of things to write.

As for Tea.. can I just say will someone PLEASE teach Starbucks how to brew tea!

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Marjie, you have found another "Marjie" in writing and you are fabulous at it......keep it going!!!!!!

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The one thing that can’t be taught, that you either have or you don’t, is voice. And you’ve got that!

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