I always loved Constant Comment! It was soothing and special. Thank you for that reminder. I no longer drink it. Ah, youth gone. It was often foolish, but at this age I can be, too. I appreciate your perspective from your age. It feels familiar.

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Ah now that was poignant and made me a little teary at the memory of my own losses...so hugs for the loss of your friend. Can't say the same about the Fresco...not sure if we have/had it in Oz..cheap nasty wine - actually our legendary Cold Chisel sing a song about it thus epitomising everything about Australia that is important to know- as I was saying cheap wine drank at dodgy pub and clubs are my fond memories of my foolish youth. Your version sounds so much more nostalgic!

My comfort tea, alas, is just English Breakfast- brewed very very strong. I am such a philistine.

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Because I'm lazy, I've never commented but I love your writing and look forward to each piece of string. Fresca and Constant Comment take me back to younger days. Both were favorite friends that I have lost contact with for the same reason -- they make me feel like crap (sugar and caffeine). Now I'm pining for both.

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Really lovely, but I’m afraid I Met the Family and now I can’t unsee it.

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Raw. Emotional. Beautiful.

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Fresca takes me to 90s and 2000s, when my friend Joe Thompson would hold forth, Fresca in hand. I have it in his memory every July 4th and raise the can to the Cat in the Hat hat that he had always worn on that date and placed somewhere different in his yard. Others can drink their hard seltzer, beer and wine. I will have my annual Fresca for Joe.

Thank you for bringing it and him to mind.

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This is so spot on! Crying and laughing and pondering this thing called aging and friendships! I get a lot of ‘you have so many friends and I always say ‘ it takes work and time and once a therapist said, you don’t need me, you talk and tell all to your friends and family, your fine” . So life savers for sure!

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"Lost along the way were illusions of boundless choices and infinite “maybe somedays.” Also lost were many of the friends from those Fresca, baby bottle, and bourbon days. Some were swept away by the hands of the clock and distant moves, many more faded or imploded due to my failures or theirs, often both, though I suspect they’d disagree."

This! I could stare at it all morning letting it sift into my consciousness: it's the loop of realizations that I think about every day at this weird point in my life.

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I loved Fresca and I too buy and enjoy that tea!

I see your dedication and loyalty to your true friends; what a blessing you have been to their lives.

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