Eye rolling is something I never quite achieved but I do a great raised eyebrow. Good hand movements are essential for anyone with Mediterranean ancestry. I am glad that you are teaching the basic skills.
Excellently done! My daughters are a pleasure, now, and they even keep me in check as I happily descend into the life of a crone. But they were so much work sometimes, that’s for sure. Love the teacup.
You are so judicious and wise in your auxiliary grand parenting skills!
I currently teach at a co-Ed school where the boys are great fun (fist bumps for the cool teachers during Yard Duty & complicated handshakes for each other) but noisy, hellish noisy. And the girls are quietly getting on with things… I can’t imagine raising either gender though!!
Marjie, is true. Guys are at times. . . distracted. Is also true, with young ladies, you better be on your next level game. "Bandage and threaten"--that sounds next level.
Loved the description of the conversation differences between boys and girls and having both, I’ve experienced the monotones and the extended and insightful words. And the other son shares so much sometimes I have to cover my ears. They are each delightful in their own way.
The humor in this piece cracked me up. How do you even think of these things? Those are two lucky girls you sometimes have.
Eye rolling is something I never quite achieved but I do a great raised eyebrow. Good hand movements are essential for anyone with Mediterranean ancestry. I am glad that you are teaching the basic skills.
a particularly wondrous essay .... so true about daughters and what they notice...(everything)
Acutely funny and insightful, Marjie. The decomposing underbelly of a boar? I have four sons. Love your descriptions. LOL.
Not that I've actually experienced the decomposing underbelly of a boar... but it must be similar!
Excellently done! My daughters are a pleasure, now, and they even keep me in check as I happily descend into the life of a crone. But they were so much work sometimes, that’s for sure. Love the teacup.
My girl, now 33, would have benefited greatly from your tutelage.
Awwww I love this!
Yup! You need girls!
You are so judicious and wise in your auxiliary grand parenting skills!
I currently teach at a co-Ed school where the boys are great fun (fist bumps for the cool teachers during Yard Duty & complicated handshakes for each other) but noisy, hellish noisy. And the girls are quietly getting on with things… I can’t imagine raising either gender though!!
Fabulous, Marjie!!! And that teacup........PERFECT!!!!!!
Marjie, is true. Guys are at times. . . distracted. Is also true, with young ladies, you better be on your next level game. "Bandage and threaten"--that sounds next level.
The mug is also not playing!
That cup is a keeper! I laughed all the way through this one. Having had a son and a daughter the way you describe their differences is on point
Loved the description of the conversation differences between boys and girls and having both, I’ve experienced the monotones and the extended and insightful words. And the other son shares so much sometimes I have to cover my ears. They are each delightful in their own way.
The humor in this piece cracked me up. How do you even think of these things? Those are two lucky girls you sometimes have.
Sometimes being the operative word!