Marjie, you have been, and continue to be, important to me and to where I am in life. We are the "Let's have coffee on Zoom" women, who are then too busy to do so. Or at least I have slacked for ... years. Still, you resonate in my head and body, and I go to Pieces Too Small to Use and see myself in your journey. Or pieces of myself, and I am able to use them to continue. May 2025 not be what we are afraid it is going to be, and may we rise above.

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And may we please find time for that coffee and zoom. We'll need the company either way.

Thank you. <3

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Oh dearest Marjie, friend through travail and so many oddnesses: I am so very excited and proud that your piece on adoption was selected as one of the best of 2024. Not surprised though because it’s deserved.

Onward you go!

Knees and all.

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Fucking knees and all! Thank you, Val.

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You go girl! Congratulations!

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Thank you!

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Excited about your article's recognition and enjoying reading along your writing journey. Thanks for always showing up.

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Thanks for being my chosen family. <3

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This, and you, have been a bright spot in the utterly crazy and crazed world we live in.l

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Thank you so much.

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Marjie you write so well . Hope the vertigo clears up.

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Thank you! It’s here to stay I’m afraid, but it’s now intermittent. A huge improvement!

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Came for the tea, stayed for the lovely anecdotes. You have a way with words. Sending warm(er) weather vibes from SoCal.

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Thank you! The tea shall return. Moving and tea content are difficult, it turns out.

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I understand the Settling In process after a move. Take your time. I have plenty of tea. 😉

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First, let me say that while I knew most of the tough things you’ve been through (and you didn’t even mention renovating a wooden box into a house from far away, and then moving house) over the last two years, I didn’t know all of it. Damn.

I have been, and continue to be enormously grateful for your love, humor, company (even when not physical), and inclusion of me and mine. I know, we’re family, but some family is more family than others.

Congratulations on making the Best Of list. It is, I’m sure, entirely well deserved. I look forward to hearing more self-deprecating tales of your success.

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Thanks, cousin o' mine. I look forward to more face time together when the weather isn't as... whatever the hell THIS is.

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Hard to keep up with you Marjie, so I’ll be content to follow a few feet behind, listing slightly to the left. I didn’t realize you’ve been pecking away here for two years making people cry and think and laugh and maybe even hit the pause button and relax. Lucky them, lucky me. So glad life stumbled us on our paths and we fell in together. BTW, you signed up for a class on January . . .

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Seriously, did I? 😳

So glad our paths tripped across each other. Soon I’ll be recommending your Substack to all!

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I like you. Very honest

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Thank you

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I like you.


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It's been a pleasure to read along!

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Thank you!

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Congratulations on survival, reinvention and recognition! I do wish there were fewer miles between so a pop in for tea, coffee and beagle judgement was possible. In lieu I have been glad there is the dreaded social media and your Pieces of String.

Big virtual hug, my friend❤️

Oh, and, ya know those moving, wistful memes that make the rounds asking "if you could give younger you one piece of advice what would it be?" with all the "love yourself more", "see your beauty" responses? Mine would be "take care of your fucking knees, the bastards are unforgiving".

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Now that is wisdom. 💕

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Marjie, amazing, just amazing. I am thrilled for you your piece was selected by Cognoscenti's Best Essays 2024!!!! I so look forward to reading your posts each week. You have a true gift of incorporating both humor and seriousness into your subjects. You go girl!!!!!!!!

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Thank you so much!

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You are deeply appreciated here in the frozen north. I look forward to your posts. I’m often pleased and surprised by how a virtual stranger’s sense of life May sync with mine. Gratifying.

May you have a good year.

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Thank you. You as well!

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Marjie congratulations on the Cognoscenti recognition!!! I enjoy your writing. I find that I am laughing, smiling, nodding along as I read them. Keep writing and may 2025 bring you joy, happiness, and success. Please finish the book, your adoption story needs to be heard. Merry Christmas … xoxo

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Thank you. I’m soooo closeeee…

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