Worth it for the material
Those were someone’s parting words to me once. “Well, you were worth it for the material.” That’s a good description of life, really. As is “pieces of string too small to use.”
Here I share observations about the often nonsensical, random, funny, painful, maddening, and every-day events in life.
I come here from 40+ years in animal behavior, as a trained professional chef, as a singer and songwriter, a single mother, and as the caretaker of an old and beloved father I’m lucky to still have.
What’s going on here?
While there will certainly be some dog- and animal-related stuff here (my DearGDDog.com blog is still over there in Wordpress land), this will have kvetch think pieces, snippets of memoir-based work, and other content not so furry. It is also a proving ground for a book or three I’m working on.
Join the crew
By subscribing you help build a support base that will allow me to have farther reach and visibility with my writing. Plus it puffs me up like you can’t believe, and it’s very kind of you. You being here and reading makes all the difference. Thank you.